Pet Orthopedic Surgery

Visit Westside Animal Hospital for the best veterinary orthopedic surgical care at the most advanced facility.

a person and person holding a dog
A group of people checking the teeth of pets

Advanced Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery Services

Experience outstanding veterinary orthopedic surgical care at Westside Animal Hospital‘s modern establishment. Our orthopedic surgery focuses on diagnosing and treating ligaments, joints, and bones, ensuring your pet receives the best care possible. Our comprehensive surgical services and modern facilities encompass:

  • Trained veterinary and technical staff
  • Digital X-ray and ultrasound capabilities
  • Heated surgery tables for added comfort
  • Advanced sterilization techniques
  • ECG and oxygen saturation monitors
  • Full blood testing conducted in-house
  • Nurse-supervised post-operative recovery

Common Orthopedic Surgeries 

Orthopedic problems can occur as a result of disease or trauma. We are readily available to discuss your pet’s symptoms and treatment options. Our most common orthopedic surgeries include:

  • Cruciate ligament tears
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Meniscal tears
  • Patella luxation

What to Expect From Our Orthopedic Procedures

Count on us for the best veterinary surgical experience. Our highly skilled veterinary team follows a meticulous process for orthopedic procedures:

  • Drop-off starting at 7:30 a.m. on the day of the surgical appointment
  • Thorough physical exam and pre-anesthesia blood work to ensure your pet’s health
  • Digital X-rays or relevant imaging
  • Careful monitoring before, during, and post-surgery
  • Utilization of modern anesthesia and advanced pain management techniques
  • Detailed status update post-surgery

Post-operative care is crucial, and we’ll review instructions, including any necessary pain medication administration. Rehabilitation therapy plays a vital role in the recovery from orthopedic surgery.

    Schedule Your Pet’s Orthopedic Surgical Appointment

    Contact us to schedule your pet’s orthopedic surgical appointment. Feel free to ask any questions about the procedure or inquire about your pet’s recovery care needs. We are here to provide compassionate care and support throughout the entire process.